[Change Log/Cambios en el Servidor] - Mayo/May 2017

Lista de cambios del mes de Mayo de 2017:

  • Se ha añadido la posibilidad de crear tags personalizados(de momento solo para Supporters):

  • Comandos:

  • !settag : te permite personalizar el tag

  • !tagcolors : te permite ver el listado de colores disponibles

  • !removetag : permite a los admins quitar el tag a un jugador

  • Cambiado el retroceso de algunas armas.

  • Añadido nuevo rango de Ayudante.

  • Añadido MapTrack.

  • Arreglado bug con el kevlar que permitía tener balas infinitas sin recargar.

  • Nuevos sonidos de chat para humanos: omg, shit, run, incoming/inc, back

  • Nuevo sonido de chat para zombies: brains

  • Weapons beefed (Last change on 10, May):

  • Bizon (+6%)

  • P90 (+3%)

  • No changes to any other weapons.

  • Mapas Añadidos/Actualizados:

  • ze_deadcore_c10

  • ze_diddle_v1_6

  • ze_insensible_sr8gm6yj12hs7_rg_v9_5

  • ze_LOTR_Minas_Tirith_p4

  • ze_tilex_ultimate_v2_13

  • Maps removed:

  • ze_sky_athletic_adv_v9_9 (Several server crashes)


Gracias por la info, de igual manera creo que se debería poner un mensaje informativo sobre estos comandos in-game, al igual que los comandos de party, mucha gente desconoce que se puede crear partys, por lo demás todo correcto, gracias por los cambios :smiley:

Gracias good change!

nice :smiley:

Hola, morell, hay un bug con el comando y es que cada vez que cambia de mapa se cambia el color del tag a blanco.

Nice function, thanks :slight_smile:

But how do I make a different colored tag?



Es extraño esto que dices, porque no pasa siempre, tendré que revisarlo.

You need to copy a special characters to the text.

Morell, can you give me an example of how to make an rainbow-colorful tag with more then one color?(:

Real nice update, thanks!

Added/Updated maps:

  • ze_deadcore_c10
  • ze_diddle_v1_6
  • ze_insensible_sr8gm6yj12hs7_rg_v9_5
  • ze_LOTR_Minas_Tirith_p4
  • ze_tilex_ultimate_v2_13

Thank you for the update, added maps are great too!

Post updated.

Gracias para el update pero pienso que beefed es nerf no?

Justo lo contrario. “beefed” es “aumentado de potencia”

oh ok O.O

Limitada la compra de !kevlar a 1 por ronda para arreglar un fallo que permitía balas infinitas sin recargar.

And I still wondered why my ammo was being restored by itself.
It’s a shame that now is limited, so, as before, I constantly, after receiving some damage (for example from the bosses), used bind and restored the armor.

Does it still give you inf ammo?

Please check the post below,no idea how to remove this since i made a mistake witch i corrected by messing in server for a bit.

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Post Edited after i messed round a bit in the server(previous post removed to avoid confusion cause of my mistake):

So i messed with zmarket and came to the conclusion that with auto rebuy off,you start with 100 armor then by opening zmarket and going to equipment you can buy a {kevlar vest} for 100 more and after that a {kevlar vest with helmet} for 100 more armor.
In conclusion you can refill your armor twice.

Now with auto rebuy on you can refill your armor ONCE,by opening zmarket,going to equipment and then buying either {kevlar vest+helmet} or{kevlar vest} whichever is available.
One of them will be crossed out since with auto rebuy feature on,kevlar will be bought on the start of the round.
In conclusion kevlar can be refilled only once in this case.

So if this change is to be kept people should be informed about this,as it will be helpful for bosses that take away armor with their attacks.

Edit:I think i accidentally reported this post,just ignore it,it was a mistake.