checkster wants to help

Player Name: checkster

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:19531561

How many hours do you have on the server? Use! Tiempovip
151 Judging purely on that is kinda bias, but its ok if you do.

Do you have Discord installed? How often do you connect to the Mapping Discord? Do you have a microphone?
sometimes I’m not that talkative all the time.

Who told you to join Mappers? How long have you known him?
I’ve spoken to morell a few times on discord about server stuff.
Cant say I know the guy, only by name, and I assume he knows me by name to.

Why do you want to join the community?
I play here a lot, Im not always on and sometimes I leave cause I do not like the map.

Why should we count on you? What can you contribute?
Many years, Id honestly like to sort those damn lag spikes as of late, then again to do that Id need to see logs etc.
Maybe some setting tweaking, could also be that server specs are to low for the amount of players.
Used to managing many servers alone tbh, I hate website stuff, never ask me for help on websites, the
rest I’m sure I can help out.

How old are you?
“X years” that suits me fine, I’m old lets just say that.

Do you have experience in server administration?

Used to do root stuff but that gets lonely, and then you get all the drama, Id be glad to help in any way.
Im sure I can lend a helping hand both to morell and to the ze server.

All up to you guys though.

Btw this is not an admin ap per say, its more a ask me if you need any help.