
Reporting Zariguellar for repetitive use of mic for music!
steam id: STEAM_0:1:23853179
Morell is online on server but afk

ReportID: 1
Reporter: The ordiaxer (STEAM_1:0:52896392)
Target: Zariguellar (STEAM_1:1:23853179)
Reason: Spam the mic or chat
Join server: steam://connect/
When in game, type !calladmin_handle 1 or /calladmin_handle 1 in chat to handle this report
12:13 -
Last report (1) was handled by: Morell @Mapeadores

I have not seen anything, muted now.

esta mañana estaba el zariguella, silvando por el micro,
le di dos avisos que se callara o lo iba a mutear, y se callo
ya luego cuando me fui, no se lo que haria…