Boss hp/damages calculation, general strategy and.... Alduin

I need first to thanks Hydreigon, cause he did 99% of this work.

I think a lot of players don’t really understand some important facts about ZE bosses, so i want to share that. If some boss can make exceptions, what i will tell you is true for most of them.

I will focus on Alduin after that, to make you understand why he is so hard, and how to kill them without any fix from Kim…

How HP of bosses are calculated?

So the calculation is: HP = base hp + fixed amount * nb of players.

When the boss don’t kill many ppls, it’s then better to have the maximum of players. In return, when players are easily killed by the boss, it’s hard to win them when you’re 40.
That’s NOT a reason to trim. Your win will just be unlegit.

How Damages made to the bosses are calculated?

Think about it: 60 players spraying near 1000 bullets each seconds. Server can’t handle usual damage calculation with hitboxes etc…

Instead of that, hitboxes will just count how many bullets hits them.
So you don’t care about how many damages a weapon can give! Nova and awp are just useless…

Nades damages are fixed (commonly 100 hp).

About weapon facts?

Commonly used weapons would be the P90, the Bizon, and the Negev. Here are their characteristics:

P90: 50 bullets , 857 rpm, 3.3s reload time.
Bizon: 64 bullets in , 750 rpm, 2.4s reload time.
Negev: 150 bullets in , 1000 rpm 5.7s reload time.

With this data, we calculated the effective fire rate of each weapons:
P90: 50/6.8s = 7.35 bulletss/sBizon: 64/7.52s = 8.51 bullets/s
Negev: 150/14.7s = 10.2 bullets/s

We did calculation with other weapons too, and Bizon and Negev are the best fire rates
BUT remember this: during some boss abilities, like Kraken Vortex or wave, Bizon needs you change to the knife. In case you’re not fast enough or there is lag, you will die. Also, as you can’t fire or reload with it, but you can with the Bizon, the Bizon can be the faster weapon to kill this kind of boss.

About Alduin: impossible or not (20 player scenario)?
Alduin HP = 4000 base hp + 900 * each survivor. = 22000 hp.
Now to find the playable boss time (from the map info, I would say a good average of 130s or 2:10s)So the players will give 1308.5120 = 22116 HP…

In fact, players will wasting time for some reasons… Let’s consider that each player can fire up 1000 bullets during the fight = 20000 total damages… You need then to consider nades and special abilities.

If they don’t use nades nades and special skins abilities.
Damages calculation:
Nuke does 750 hp worth of dmg
Archmage does 250 hp
Any dova ability does 250 hp
Healmage’s (and I think arch?) projectile does 20 hp
Nades do 100 hp
[COLOR=#000000][SIZE=14px]Scroll does about 1600 hp
1 hp by bullet…

Scenario 1: Barebones. No nades and special items:
100020 = 20000 hp (no)
Scenario 2: Minor. All skins make it. Only 10 nades are thrown at boss.
20000 + 750 + 250 + 250 + 10
100 = 22250 (near)
Scenario 3: Maybe Acceptable. All skins make it. 20 nades are thrown at boss. Scroll
20000 + 750 + 250 + 250 + 1600 + 20100 = 24850hp (yes)
Scenario 4: Major. All skins make it. 25 nades are thrown. Scroll
20000 + 750 + 250 + 250 + 1600 + 25
100 = 25350hp (yes)
Scenario 5: Maximum possible dmg. All skins, 30 nades, Scroll. Skins use abilities at least 2 times.
20000 + 7502 + 2502 + 2502 + 1600 + 30100 = 27100 (yes)

But THIS is in case that none die… Considering that it’s 1000hp less minimum, up to 1850 (Daedra died and didn’t throw extra nade), maximum losses are:
Scenario 1: noone die
Scenario 2: 1 or 2
Scenario 3: 2
Scenario 4: 2
Scenario 5: 4 people.

You can see now the reality: Alduin is just impossible, if you consider that shit still happens…

Really nice post Wan.

Updated…for now but this thread (at least for tesv) will be obsolete when Kim releases a new version of TESV when he lowers the hp and fixes the daedra melee dragon bug.

Hello ,I’ve been saying the fact that Skyrim is possible to beat for a very long time , But , But we need a very good team in order to beat skyrim , Whim4life and i have been trying different tactics , To make it easier to beat , We finally found something that Deadric’s auto attack does damage to the boss , You don’t really need to do maths to find out if it’s possible to beat, See we did 80 % damage to the boss , We were 36 when we started , We lost 12 people during the boss fight , People threw only about 20 grenades , Yet we did 80 % of the alduin’s health , So let’s say if those 12 woulda survived , And people woulda threw 20 more grenades ,Guess what would happen ? You guessed it correctly , it would have been a win , Also don’t forget the fact that i saved one last nuke for the very end . It’s possible to beat skyrim .

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Yeah Hydreigon, but the epic thing could have been to win it on the actual version.
I think it’s possible too, as the new server make the push less random too. Our scenario take account of only 20 people.

If you have 40 people, then the distributed static hp is twice less… IE only +100 hp vs +200 hp of static health points to handle for each player.
It seems few, but we see that one more used clip for each player, can really make a difference.

I will try to check how many molotov make as damages. As for a nade for exemple, if you throw it you need to wait to have your weapon back in the hand, so you gain in fact near 75 hp damages compared to just fire weapon.