Suggestion zombie spawn

After playing some rounds and maps i’ve seen that the zombie spawn could be better. Atm everytime there are 2/1 zombies spawning increasing the zombie spawn rate would be better in my opinion and im kinda sure others aswell after talking about it.

This is already being done on a map-by-map basis. When a map seems like it could use more zombies, they are added. You can suggest maps in which you think it could be good to do it, and we will give it a look.

i will ask some players aswell and i will put the list down.



Any chance a map list can be given where lack of zombies is an issue? I’m seeing two other threads apart from where it is a complaint and maps are not being specified where this can be a problem.

Yeah i will give the list asap.

I updated roughly a few maps with more zombies. Most of these are classic themed. To note, two zombies spawning is usually enough but sometimes three or more can manage to work out. The common theme for two zombies to spawn usually is 50 players or more actively playing. Some ideas have popped up to spice things up for lower number of players but I can’t say much since they’re just that - ideas. If further adjustments are needed I’m open for them.

Please do. If anyone else has any suggestions for maps that need more zombies or otherwise seem too easy, please post it here to keep it tidy a bit.

I don’t intend to target any map in specific but having a flat increase in zombies wouldn’t be something bad in my view(3-4+), with maps that have a larger spawn point having higher starting zombies (ex gris, santa (except first level), wanderers,ice cap)basically maps that don’t force humans to be clumped together, suggesting 6 or more zombies depending on the map. As an example, on various try of santa we had either a round restart (40+ zombies) or only 2 zombies on truth level which made things either impossible (35 min round with 20 humans vs 40 zombies with lost triggers) or very easy (40 ppl passing on to truth truth).

Also I would suggest making zombies spawn faster on maps that have a movement impairment of some sort (door on lolxd, door on lvl4 wanderers) so that the zombies don’t spawn on top of the humans all together but rather humans can defend until these objectives are open.