[Server Suggestion] EntWatch Plugin

I support this idea, im fine with disabling eban and etransfer. It can also help us communicate better such as skyrim, the skins make it hard to look at peoples’ names. It will be easier if i just ask the heal person from scoreboard (entwatch) instead of trying to look for him/her name for 30seconds; and spamming who has heal?


Yo cuando pienso en EntWatch me viene a la cabeza el servidor que teníamos en el CS:S, al principio era divertido ver quién tenía el item en la Mako o ver el cooldown del mismo, pero a la larga, lo que más veías eran discusiones de gente veterana contra gente novata. “Si no sabes usarlo no lo cojas” se escuchaba en cada mapa. Incluso el propio jugador que tenia el item, sentía una presión demasiado alta, ya que sólo lo podía usar donde los veteranos le decían que tenía que hacerlo. Al final, la gente pasaba de los items y se centraba en completar el mapa.

Para mí, lo positivo del plugin es poder tener una ayuda visual del cooldown y de información referente al item cogido, pero todo lo demás, es para meter presión. En otros modos de juego ha pasado lo mismo, por ejemplo con el modo Jail, había un plugin que te permitía controlar qué policía abusaba, al final se volvía un modo de juego tan controlado que aburría.

Se tiene que tener en cuenta que el factor humano del error, hace que cada ronda sea distinta, si quitamos eso, ya solo quedará que los items se activen automáticamente en las zonas oportunas y ya. Esta claro que el problema es que la línea entre error y fallo intencionado es a veces difusa, pero creo que si pensamos en solo los fallos intencionados, al final van a caer justos por pecadores.


Okay guys i read everything and i see each one has his point of view.

But at the what some players of the server are asking right now (including myself) is at least the opportunnity to test it out and see how things goes. Dont denny what could be a good change for the server before even testing it.

Some people that play the server including myself think that is time for some changes if we want to keep a good community for Mapeadores. Like adding some new maps which we can play in other servers but not in mapeadores (piradas, minas, sky atlhetic) and i knowsome of them made the prvious server crash, but we dont know if the new sv will crash with them. And of course more things like the plugins asked in question.

I know my posts are not being as long and really well written as the people posting here and not apporting a lot of ideas, but in the end what i want here is that we need some changes, and before giving up ideas that could actually end up being good changes, lets test them.

Sorry if my post doesnt add something new or if its difficult to understand, im not good at english.


Yo soy un jugador que casi nunca usa materias así que me da un poco igual, pero viendo como la mayoría comunidad está pidiendo a gritos este plugin, ¿por qué no darle una oportunidad dos o tres semanas a ver como se comporta? y luego decidir que hacer, yo creo no perderíamos nada.
Un saludo.


Yo defiendo vuestras teorias, y en parte estoy de acuerdo con ellas, pero jugando diariamente al servidor te das cuenta que la cantidad de trolls es bastante mayor de la que uno piensa. Si os estamos pidiendo esto no es por moda, es porque creemos que lo necesita. Yo estoy de acuerdo con Cisneros, un periodo de prueba en algo no hace daño a nadie, asi podremos comprobar el impacto que tendra en el servidor.

Ahora que baster ha mencionado lo de los mapas, estoy viendo que se han rechazado mapas sin un testeo previo en el servidor, cuando los otros servidores me atreveria a decir todos tienen esos mapas y van a la perfección. Siempre esta la cosa de que si un mapa le gusta a la gente y no va mal, por un par de fallitos que no afectan a la jugabilidad, se rechacen.

Tambien estaria bien hacer eventos for fun, hemos perdido a muchos jugadores usuales y clasicos debido al lag horrible que habia antes, y ahora que tenemos un servidor que va de 10 en temas de jugabilidad que mejor que empezar a hacer eventos.


I personally like the idea of having EntWatch plugin, The community cares about the server after all and the suggestions are for the betterment of the server itself, In my opinion it wouldn’t hurt if we give it a shot to see how it goes.

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I support adding EntWatch to the server, at least a 2-3 week test and see how it goes.

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Apoyo la idea de implementar el EntWatch. Mis razones:
¿Quién no ha sido trolleado por un Wall en ze_pirates, y ha muerto porque un parásito ha puesto el muro mientras defendías con uñas y dientes?
¿Quién no ha perdido 20 minutos en mapas cómo ze_rizomata porque alguien ha pillado Wall y ha muerto en el primer ascensor?
¿Quién no ha tenido que suicidarse a los pocos minutos de empezar ze_pirates porque han usado Medalion en la puerta?
Problemas cómo bien decís es el tema de que no das margen a los novatos para probar los items, pero eso es una media verdad. Yo siendo oro todavía no cojo Items sin estar al 100% seguro de que no voy a fallar, ¿y cómo sé que no voy a fallar si no he pillado el item antes? Pues viendo a la gente utilizarlos, aprendiendo. Mucha gente pilla items y después pregunta para qué sirven (yo lo he hecho alguna vez cuando he visto que nadie pillaba el item y alguien tenía que cogerlo), pero lo que no tiene sentido, es que la gente se lance a por Items que no saben ni lo que hacen, y encima en mapas que te tiras 20 minutos por nivel. Así que todo mi apoyo a la iniciativa, y a ver si así la gente aprende que tiene que observar a los ‘expertos’ y aprender de ello, si quiere estar en el grupo de ‘expertos’. Todo esto lo digo cómo noob nº1 del server.

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Great idea … i support, i’m with you
i like it .

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I just finished reading all the posts. First I want to say thank you for so many contributions, its really nice to see an active and engaging community like this. We might disagree on some things, but its really possitive to see so much involvement. This might be a long post but please read along, here is my contribution to the matter.

I believe I started playing ze around september 2015, first on zeus, then I changed mainly to mapea, which was where I started becoming more active, before I was one of the “passive” noobs playing not talking much trying to learn the game. What I experienced at that time was a really engaging and positive feedback from other players, when I tried to learn the game. I asked about how stuff worked and many were quick to help, especially some of the regulars that still play the server today. Also when I started leading on maps, people weren’t bashing me for that, also I think because people react positive to a guy that just tries and learn and contribute to winning. Even if making mistakes on calls sometimes. So in general, I find mapea community to be helpful towards new players who want to know how maps work and how the mod works, that is my first point.

Now with regards to materia use, I stayed away from some materias in the beginning, until I saw what they did cause I don’t want to make a mistake that would cost the team the round. I understand many players don’t play like this, they pickup materia and try them out. I myself has countless of times explained people I saw with materia who looked like new players how to use them proper. Not in a mean way but in a helpful manner, like don’t use sword in close corners, careful when you move with it and turn etc. Same for the timing of this. I have also seen plenty other people do this in the mapea community. I feel like entwatch is a good way to help new players with materia. You can see who picks it and ask them if they know how to use it and then help if they don’t. In general I don’t like when people say don’t take materia if you dunno how to use it, cause new players need to learn, but I think people will always say this regardless of the plugin, however I do believe the plugin can be a great tool to teach people, let me give an example.
I tried playing possesion server a bit in september last year, at that time (I dunno now) they had entwatch. I consider myself a fairly experienced ze player now and know most maps, but I didn’t know westersand, which was played, a guy dropped a materia before a boss fight and I picked it up and entered, died and a guy that some here knows called Vinz said, why you pick up that materia, and I said cause someone dropped it. Apparently the strat was to drop and pick back up after boss, to not lose it. And I was like alright, what does it do btw, he explained and then next round I picked that materia and was helped on how to use it. (cant remember what it was now since its long ago) But the point is I was helped instead of targeted for taking materia, on a server that has entwatch, and on a server where I was seen as a noob, I hadn’t played there before and not that map. So this is to make an argument against the case that entwatch is a tool to augment and encourage a hatred attitude towards players and noobs picking it up.

Another case is with regards to the admins. I don’t understand why the whole argument seems to be around a mistrust towards admins. In all honesty and no offence or harm intended to anyone, but if upper management truly believed their admins not fit to the job of managing this plugin and abusing, it seems they should install other admins. I mean why would you ever have admins that you don’t trust. I personally do believe though that admins on mapea are good and helpful and very careful on punishing people. I feel like entwatch would be a good tool for them to better manage the server. Guidelines for use of entwatch by admins should just be properly installed. And of course it should never be so that the admins throw materia restrictions left and right, and I don’t believe they would do that either. I also just believe as mentioned, that this is only an issue of instructing the admins in the use of entwatch and not a fault of entwatch itself.

Now to the point of trolling. I do feel like, sry to say, mapea has gone deep down the drains in this regard. I see people who systematically and in the sneakiest of ways go out of their ways to destroy the gameplay of the others. They also have become really clever in how they hide it from the admins. Some people troll one round with materia when no one sees then drops it and doesn’t troll for several rounds, then does it again. Not mentioning names since this is not the place for this, I have seen experienced and regulars on mapea do this in a systematic and sneaky way. And I know for a fact that they do know how to use materia, in fact they know it good enough to know how to troll in the best way as well. Here I really think entwatch is a strong tool to avoid this trolling, which has become increasingly prevailant on mapea.

My last point is about it destroying gameplay for people who just wanna have fun, I fundamentally disagree. I do not see how at all entwatch would destroy gameplay of people just wanna play ze and chill, they can do that with or without entwatch, unless their way of having fun is by trolling with items. If their way of having fun is by using items and participating in map, then as I mentioned entwatch can help others help them with materia.

Also another feature about entwatch that I want to mention is that new people being able to press tab to see the timer, when its ready is SUCH a great tool for materia improvements. It was one of the things I have struggled a bit with is remembering the cooldowns etc. It helps you better get a feel of timings on pure instinct as well.

In my opinion I feel this server needs changes and I believe this is a very good tool, both for admins, for help on materia, for selflearning on materia. And I truly believe the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. The mapea community is great and MANY people, I cant stress this enough, do really try and help. Sometimes the loud mouths just gets too much attention, but they are not the majority.

Sorry for the long post, I hope my contribution to this matter is well recieved. Have a nice saturday! :slight_smile:



I support the test and usage of the plugin if its compatible with server, seeing the responses of the community that agree It is worth testing it before implementing it.

I’ll put it simple:

Item troller scenario
warn -> kick -> item ban [short] -> item ban [medium] -> item ban [a year]
warn -> kick -> ban [short] -> ban [medium] -> ban [a year]

In my eyes, not being to play is more restricting than an item ban.
Items is already only for a small part of the players (not enough for all players). And then you have people using it in an opposite way… I don’t see why you shouldn’t just ban them from using it, rather than banning them for playing at all.

The plugins use will be used to catch trollers mainly.

If you really rather have bans rather than item bans, it can always be a rule for admins to still just ban. They can use the plugin to see what happens with items.

Management decides how it will be used. Plugin only detects, and gives commands. Management will decide how this is used.

I support the EntWatch plugin for the server, lets test it out for a while and see if its compatible with server
For the betterment of the server you got my support

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But the past is the past, different people now. So different needs.
That’s why I ask to at least try it.

Witch hunting happens either way, that’s not because of the plugin, that’s because some people are dicks.
And trust me, those dicks usually make sure to find out who has the item, with or without EntWatch.

The people who will benefit from it, will be people to busy playing, trying to lead or moderate.

On this moment on the server, the ones who win are the trolls getting away with it.
The ones who get “punished” are the normal players, who get their time wasted when someone trolls.

Wouldn’t it be more logical to have an opposite system? Where the trollers get caught (and punished - This us up to you guys, how it happens). And the players are free of the tyranny of trollers.

Me parece una genial idea , estaría todo mas fácil para todo el mundo saber cuando se pueden usar los items o si no se tiene uno saberlo para hacerte una idea de lo que puede costarte esa ronda , por otra parte Morell lo que tu dices de parte mala tienes un poco de razón , como jugador que estoy casi todos los días en este servidor siempre veo que los veteranos como Baster , Zero , Astor , y mucha mas gente, nunca llegarían a tal punto de ‘‘enfadarse’’ si alguien lo usa mal por falta de practica , otra cosa es que alguien trolee pero si alguien quiere trolear lo hará con el plugin o no y con el plugin al menos sabremos quien lo hace mal aposta .

Resumen : lo apoyo jaja
PD: estaría muy bien poner más mapas y quitar algunos que son muuuy malos (plataformer ejem ejem).


I totally support the implement of this plugin on mapeadores !

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Yo creo que este plugin debería ser introducido en el servidor al igual que lo fue introducido en el Source. Aunque como ha dicho Morell, implica que la gente que lleve una materia se sienta presionada por los demás jugadores. Lástima que no haya punto intermedio.

Aún así, yo voto por que se introduzca el plugin en el servidor.

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I think this is a great idea and i totally support the plugins for the server. I believe it will be helpful to everyone playing and i know that there are many people that also want to see the plugin added.

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i see most of you are discuss [implement entwatch on server or not], how about change this topic,

change it to [give entwatch a probationary period test],

keep talking something theory can’t see what actually happen,

how about give a week to see what effect will come?


Bueno , yo no cogo los items porque paso de lios jaja, pero yo le daria 1 mes de prueba a ver si gusta o no gusta , no se pierde nada
a si que ADELANTE!!!

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