next ZE event???

Hello guys,

Quite time since no event, I think its time to do one, maybe santassination ?

We don’t have too much hard try maps not beaten to choose, just santa or paper if fixed?



Hola gente,

Algo de tiempo desde el ultimo evento, creo es tiempo de hacer uno, santa quizás?

No hay muchos mapas difíciles para batir todavía, santa o paper escape si se arregla.



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English: I agree, we should do an event with a map than we don’t beaten or we beat it but a long time. Like you said, it’s been a long time since we beat santa, but we should beat the secret level to more harder. I remember when Zolix guide us to an elevator but it was below us and then we jump but we took the wrong way because the elevator was going up. After that, we don’t fail to took the elevator. xD
Español: Estoy de acuerdo, deberíamos hacer un evento con un mapa que no hayamos ganado o que hayamos ganado pero hace mucho tiempo. Como has dicho, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que ganamos santa, pero deberíamos ganar el nivel secreto. Me acuerdo cuando Zolix nos guió hasta el ascensor, pero estaba debajo de nosotros y saltamos, pero cogimos el camino equivocado porque el ascensor estaba subiendo. Después de eso, no fallamos en coger el ascensor. xD

Siempre esta la posibilidad de hacer un evento de la platformer. En mi opinión se podría esperar un poco más.

English:We are more successful at completing maps with randoms then we have been in the past with events. I think most teams have been absolutely woeful during events. Skyrim and frostdrake events stand out as some of the most miserable performances on maps in recent history. Winning teams come about by having the right people on at the right time and chance.

Skyrim, Frostdrake, gris, halloween house and predator have all been won by random teams. That trend doesn’t necessarily need to change for maps like paper. Honestly don’t think we have given paper a proper try on the server point blank.

Santa on the other hand is not beatable with the current server settings due to the length of level and the number of extends we have available. Even a two hour event with max extends + 30min - 1 hour will not get passed Truth. Learning curve to that boss and the numbers required to beat it in a public server would require two hours on the truth boss alone.

Nos tienen más éxito en completar mapas con randoms, entonces hemos estado en el pasado con eventos. Creo que la mayoría de los equipos ha sido absolutamente lamentable durante los eventos. Eventos de skyrim y frostdrake destacan como algunas de las actuaciones más miserables en los mapas en la historia reciente. Ganadores equipos surge por tener las personas adecuadas en el momento y oportunidad.

Skyrim, Frostdrake, gris, casa de halloween y depredadores han sido ganados por equipos al azar. Esa tendencia no necesita cambiar de mapas como el papel. Honestamente no creo que le hemos dado papel una oportunidad apropiada en el servidor de bocajarro.

Santa por otro lado no es superable con la configuración actual del servidor debido a la longitud del nivel y el número de se extiende tenemos disponibles. Se extiende hasta un evento de dos horas con max + 30min - 1 hora no se pasan verdad. Curva de aprendizaje a ese jefe y los números necesarios para vencer en un servidor público requeriría dos horas con el jefe de verdad solo.

I think Santassination worth an event, the map itself is long, exhausting but fun. Not ideal to play at a random time even when the team is good because it needs hours to beat it.If a group of good people dedicate a few hours on the weekend maybe we can finally beat santa.

For sure we can’t best Santa. But event can be for fun too… It will be great to play the truth levels. In fact only the last boss is impossible.

But Unorth, last events we get a random team too, as VIPs wasn’t prioritised to connect, like I suggested, so half of the teams wasn’t here…

Just don’t be as as bad minded. For sure paper need an event!

(as talked here:, not having only vip, but allowing them to be prior to lambda who didn’t ever get 50 hours…)

Halloween house was beaten?

Hey Wan,
Yeah we have beaten Halloween House once on the server. Was about a month and a half ago. Can dig the screenshot out from my steam account when I get home from work!

Yeah I agree events should be for fun and should celebrate the top players on the server joining together to win maps, just saying from a historical point of view they haven’t been very organized or managed resulting in a lot of disappointment!

Paper can be done with an event sure, but we are more likely to win it with a dream team showing up by chance. Santa we cannot win point blank with the current servers extend times!

  • Unorth