1 “error” block = 1 zombie
i can’t move with seeing anything
I delete all files mapeadores 3 times, all zombies files, ect ect … and it never works to reinstalle …so i give up and please help me because i can’t play anymore …
and don’t tell me that i have to reinstalle csgo … :mad:
Map ze_LOTR_Mines_of_Moria_p2 missing stringtable dictionary, don’t ship this way!!!
Run with -stringtables on the command line or convar
stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries enabled to build the string table
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_001”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_002”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_003”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_014”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_004”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_005”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_006”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_007”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_008”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_009”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_010”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_011”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_012”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_013”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_016”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_019”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_017”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_018”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_020”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_015”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_021”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_022”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_023”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_039”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_042”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_044”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_041”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_043”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_026”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_031”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_032”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_029”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_028”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_027”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_025”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_059”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_030”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_055”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_056”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_057”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_046”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_061”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_058”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_045”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_033”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_034”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_036”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_035”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_024”!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system “custom_particle_037”!
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Requesting texture value from var “$hdrbasetexture” which is not a texture value (material: skybox/vertigoblue_hdrrt)
Requesting texture value from var “$hdrbasetexture” which is not a texture value (material: skybox/vertigoblue_hdrbk)
Requesting texture value from var “$hdrbasetexture” which is not a texture value (material: skybox/vertigoblue_hdrlf)
Requesting texture value from var “$hdrbasetexture” which is not a texture value (material: skybox/vertigoblue_hdrft)
Requesting texture value from var “$hdrbasetexture” which is not a texture value (material: skybox/vertigoblue_hdrup)
Requesting texture value from var “$hdrbasetexture” which is not a texture value (material: skybox/vertigoblue_hdrdn)
Have you made sure in your config.cfg that the following line is set as:
cl_downloadfilter “all”
If you have deleted the model that was download for the zombies from your cs:go folder it should redownload it. Maybe verify that you deleted the correct model.
i re-instal all the game, csgo but nothing changed … still the same problem
i don’t find cl_downloadfilter in config.cfg
but when i delete all zombies skins it redownloadit just after when i reconnect so …
i just don’t know why it didn’t work
So , the problem was into files "zh" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\models\player\custom_player\legacy\zh)