The time of frights and boos and aaas is approaching, and with it it comes the need to have some nice Halloween fun! We have already upped the spoopy dial upwards on the server with new sounds and scares. There is, however, little spookin’ we can get into since few maps truly convey that feeling of horror that gets us to pull a doozey on our shorts.
As a creative community, we feel this is a problem. We need more scary things! So we are organizing a small mapping event so that we come together and create a new Halloween themed map. To simplify due the short notice, every mapper will just need to:
- Produce a Halloween themed area, with at least 1 minute in length and preferably no more than 2.
- Make sure the spookies and the aaas and the boos are all in there!
- …?
- Profit.
We will build a non linear map in which the playing order will be voted by players. Doing this, the map will be highly versatile and players will need to figure out the best strategies to win, or go for a challenge if so they choose!
You have up to the 29th of October 2018 to submit, giving ourselves some slack to be able to finish. If you feel like you’re not going to be able to pull it off, don’t worry. We understand if you take some references from Nipper’s fantastic halloween maps, or can’t polish the gameplay much. Just make sure you get the teleport spawn well set and you’ll be done!
You may draw some inspiration from: or
The portal prefab for your spawn (place a few if you want multiple spawn locations/branching):
Have fun & discuss it all with us on Mapeadores’ Discord!