Hi all. Quick little tutorial for those annoyed by this god awful sound update ( that has come around.
Today we’re shipping the first in a series of planned updates to sound in CS:GO. The goal of these updates is to improve overall sound quality while addressing feedback about ear fatigue and distortion.
We’ve started with a few weapons in the Heavy category (specifically the Negev, M249, and Mag7), and will progress through the rest of the arsenal over time. Additionally, the smoke grenade sound has been reworked to ensure that it can be heard separately from other game sounds (e.g., defuse sounds).
Have a listen, and let us know what you think!
Obviously, it sounds like crud and that might be the reason why you ended up here. So! Let’s remove the low ammo sound with little easy steps.
1.) Navigate to your main CS:GO folder. This can be done easily by opening Steam -> Game tab -> Right click Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -> Properties -> Local Files tab -> Browse Local Files…
2.) Navigate to csgo/scripts/ and open game_sounds_weapons.txt with a text editor of your choice.
3.) Ctrl + F or Find the text “Default.NearlyEmpty” and under “wave” replace “weapons/aug/aug_boltrelease.wav” with “common/null.wav”. It’s that easy.
Cons? This is protected by sv_pure meaning you WILL be disconnected eventually from a Valve official server or any server that has sv_pure 1 enabled. That being said don’t question yourself something silly if it’s “VAC” related. It will kick you from the server and state that the file changes are not allowed when playing on the server you’re on. To revert just swap the sound back in and you’re good to go! If a server allows customization towards your own game then it’s by all means always welcome. Playing on Mapeadores or perhaps any reasonable zombie server this can generally go ignored.
Can you replace the sound with anything of your choosing or do anything special? Well… yes. You can. This little tutorial isn’t for that though and going in depth about it could be a tutorial on its own. However looking through the file everything is mostly self explanatory.
The old files for the Negev, M249 and Mag-7 sound effects have been removed and can no longer be accessed easily from within the game. So trying to aim for those replacements are not possible unless you leech the sound effects and drop them in an appropriate directory elsewhere. That being said if there’s interest for replacing sounds, reducing sound effects or adding new sounds that can be a tutorial on its own for later if the interest is there.