[Videos] Zombie Escape

Hello. I’m not a Spanish Guy so I will use English here :stuck_out_tongue: I play on this server 60h+ so i decided to record some of map:
I wanna record any hard/funny/interesting moments and map completed as human (the hard one ;o)
I will put all of them in this thread and simply in my channel.
Hope you will enjoy

full done Final stage on ze_fapescape

Some fun on ze_mariotower (ft. the “noooooo” guy * )


Your hero XD

Really good idea! I take some funny videos too, will post them.

What are you using to edit your videos?

Rooftop runaway speed bug. Fail to happy WTF ending :smiley:

(33s video)

You can post it here on this thread will be easier to find ! :smiley:

To edit I use sony vegas 12 and to record ShadowPlay

I will post the last round of fapescape event when I have time.

Sorrento great try (In Memory Of Zolix Edition)

Why im not on tnle videos when im the most better one? <3

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I wish i was here when you won Mako :frowning:
I don’t see you a lot this times, hope this will change :slight_smile:

I made a compilation of August 2015 best moments.
I’m such in love with Zolix rekt by the door jaja! Enjoy!

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FFVII Mako Reactor Extreme 2 (Only the bridge part) Played by ZoLiX’


FFVII Mako Reactor Extreme 2 Played by ZoLiX on Mapeadores Server . ( OP background voice of astor )

Aparte de ser un spammer y un puto pro, tengo una voz sensual bastante interesante.

ze_notredame_p3 Duo win Played by ZoLiX’ on Mapeadores server.